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Setup Email Templates

Learn how to setup email templates to send out to the team

Once you have imported all employees into SkillsDB, you need to start communicating with them on a regular basis. Setting up the system to send particular emails to employees will help reduce time and effort. Please, be make sure whitelist our domains by the company's IT team, or your employees will not receive these emails.

Start by creating templates. Click on Admin > Company > Email Templates


Click on New to create a new template. A new pop-up window will appear. Fill in the details like Subject Line and the mail body and click update. Now the new template will be available to you.


You can also click on Edit to edit the template. A new pop-up window will appear with the existing template. You can edit the subject line as well as the mail body. Simply click on update to save your changes.

You can click Delete to delete it.

Check out this document for some email templates.