Roles & Groups
Roles and Groups organize skills, competencies, and behaviors
View and Add Roles and Groups
You can view all current roles in your account by selecting Manage > Roles from the left sidebar menu. You can add new roles from this page, as well as manage Assignment of these roles to specific users.
Adding Skills, Competencies or Behaviors
Using Sections
You can add sections to roles by selecting Add Section from within a role. This allows for categorizing skills together (e.g. Business Acumen, Problem Solving, etc).
Adding Content
Once you've create a Role or Group, you can add skills by navigating to the Role page as an admin user and clicking Add Skill.
You can edit a skill record by selecting the pencil icon in the right hand of each table row.
Assigning Roles or Groups to People
You can manage assignment by selecting a Role or Group, and then selecting the Assign button in the top right corner of the page.
Once selected, you will see a list of all users who are currently assigned to this Role or Group, along with their Level, if applicable.
Effect of Assignment
Once a user has been assigned to a role, they will see these skills in their Skills Profile.
All of their assigned roles, groups and related skills be be included in any future Assessments.
If Levels have been configured, users will only see the skills that apply to their specific level assignment.
Difference Between Roles and Groups
Roles and Groups have the same functionality in SkillsDB, but allow for more flexible ways to organize competencies to match the structure of your organization.
Example 1: Acme Corp has 8 job families that categorize relevant employee functions within their 1,500 person organization, such as finance, sales, marketing, and software engineering. Acme then uses SkillsDB 'Roles' to define relevant competencies for each job family, along with a unique career pathway.
Example 2: Delta Corp has 5,000 global employees. They use a SkillsDB 'Group' called "Delta Company Values" to organize their core values with defined behaviors, which is assigned to all employees worldwide in addition to their function-specific roles.
Example 3: Gamma Corp has 600 employees. They have values and job families defined within SkillDB 'Groups' and also use 'Roles' to define specific engineering skills related to their different engineering functions.
Example 4: Zeta Corp has 2,700 employees, half of which are consultants. Zeta uses 'Groups' to define competencies related to specific long term client projects. Users are assigned these groups when they join the project and can view helpful resources while ramping up.
Users can also have multiples roles and groups assigned.
Last updated